Tools page (Preferences dialog box)
In this page, you can specify Tools settings.

Web server root directory
If you have a web server installed on your system, you can enter full path of the WWW root directory here. When running 'View in Browser' command with the local file on this directory, EditPlus will change the address to "http://localhost/" form.
Web server IP or host name
If your web server cannot be represented by "localhost", you can enter an optional IP address or host name in this field.
Select browser
Specify the browser type for the New Browser Window command and View in Browser command.
Browser location
Enter full path of the browser that you want to use for an external browser.
Select browser 2
Specify the browser type for the View in Browser 2 command.
Enable visual style for toolbars
When this option is checked, Toolbars, Status Bar and the Document Tabs are displayed with current visual style. This option works on Windows XP and later only.
Alternate toolbar button border
When this option is checked, toolbar buttons on Windows 7 use slightly different visual style for the button borders.
Enlarge toolbar buttons
Check this option to show larger toolbar buttons.
Allow double-click on the Status Bar
When this option is checked, you can double-click on the Status Bar indicator to run the related menu command.
Allow double-column toolbar
When this option is checked, the standard toolbar shows two columns when it is docked vertically. This prevents the toolbar from being clipped when the height of the toolbar is bigger than the size of screen.
Use temporary file in browser preview
When this option is checked, View in Browser command uses temporary file to preview the HTML document.
Use system default browser with Go to URL
Check this option to open system default browser rather than the seamless browser, when you run the 'Go to URL command'.
Run php.exe on browser preview
Check this option to automatically run php.exe and create a temporary output file when you use the View in Browser command with php files.